Monday, December 27, 2010

Starting Over

When I lived in North Carolina I had a time sowing and reaping in the Word. It was great. I was drinking in the Scripture like it was water and writing a lot about what it meant and the questions I had. Well, that all seemed to slowly fade away as my time went into other things, namely marriage and a baby and trying to figure out how to actually be a father and a husband and much more.

Well, as it turns out, and with no surprise, the way to become both of those things is to spend time daily with the Lord. So I'm recommitting myself to spending time in the Scriptures daily and to writing as often as I receive the motivation. I need to write to process the ideas that go through my mind, otherwise they just sit in there and slowly atrophy and eventually die. I don't really expect anyone to read these entries, except my wife. But if anyone does happen to they are all welcome to comment and correct as they see fit.

So this is the new beginning! I'm starting over, Thanks be to God for second chances!

Thank you for reading!

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